Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Christmas Nail Decals! LATE POST, SORRY

You know your blog is late when your posts are two months late! This is a post that I'd beem meaning to share with all of you, but my thesis really gobbled up all of my time. Oh well, that's all over, and now I'm all yours ;)
Anyway, last Christmas one of my aunts gave me these super cute nail stickers! So of course I dropped whatever I was doing to apply these. They were so cute! I'm going to do a half-tutorial since I already made one for these kinds of decals here.

These decals are the type that you stick on with no water, so they last much longer than the other kind. I really liked these also because even though the instructions say to remove it like they're normal nail polish with remover and cotton, I just peeled them right out like they were stickers! I would only recommend doing this ONLY if you put a base coat and letting it dry before you applied the decals. Otherwise, some layers of your nails might stick to the decals as you peel them out!

Like the other tutorial, just put the decals right out of your nail, and file the excess off with  downward motion.

I was able to use the pinky decal on both fingers again. Sadly, the other decals weren't good enought for two fingers :( I have about five decals left over from this pack, because I was able to use just one per nail and didn't waste any. I may use them next year on just one finger per hand. To be honest, I never got that trend of the one mismatched finger. I tried it once, but then got OC because it wasn't like the rest of my hand. Hehe!

The finished product, taken at home. Isn't it cute?! Sorry for the bad quality of my previous photos, I had to make do with the dim and yellow lighting at my noche buena. The food was TO DIE FOR though!


And the other hand. Did you notice that my pinky fingers aren't the same? Small details that people don't really notice about their nails, I definitely do! I really care for my nails more than any other part of my body, true story. I'm so OC about them and I make sure they're always in perfect shape! If only we could have nail polish on forever, yeah?

'Til the next post!